PreFab is a virtual nanofabrication environment that leverages deep learning to model fabrication-induced structural variations in integrated photonic devices. Our mission is to bridge the gap between design and fabrication in photonic integrated circuits.
What PreFab does
Prediction of fabrication
Anticipate how your designs will be affected by real fabrication processes. PreFab predicts process-induced structural variations: corner rounding, loss of small features, filling of narrow gaps, sidewall angle variations, and stochastic effects.
Correction of fabrication
Automatically optimize your designs to ensure fabricated results match your specifications. Our correction algorithms help minimize structural variations and reduce performance discrepancies between simulations and fabricated devices.
Getting started
Try Rosette (beta)
Want a more visual experience? Try the Rosette beta - our new layout tool with PreFab models built in, designed for rapid chip design.
Get in touch
PreFab is continuously evolving to serve the photonics community better. We welcome your feedback and contributions. Share your thoughts via email, report issues on GitHub, or follow our updates on LinkedIn.