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Models for the PreFab library.


Bases: BaseModel

Represents a fabrication process in the PreFab model library.


Name Type Description Default
foundry str

The name of the foundry where the fabrication process takes place.

process str

The specific process used in the fabrication.

material str

The material used in the fabrication process.

technology str

The technology used in the fabrication process.

thickness int

The thickness of the material used, measured in nanometers.

has_sidewall bool

Indicates whether the fabrication has angled sidewalls.

Source code in prefab/
class Fab(BaseModel):
    Represents a fabrication process in the PreFab model library.

    foundry : str
        The name of the foundry where the fabrication process takes place.
    process : str
        The specific process used in the fabrication.
    material : str
        The material used in the fabrication process.
    technology : str
        The technology used in the fabrication process.
    thickness : int
        The thickness of the material used, measured in nanometers.
    has_sidewall : bool
        Indicates whether the fabrication has angled sidewalls.

    foundry: str
    process: str
    material: str
    technology: str
    thickness: int
    has_sidewall: bool


Bases: BaseModel

Represents a model of a fabrication process including versioning and dataset detail.


Name Type Description
fab Fab

An instance of the Fab class representing the fabrication details.

version str

The version identifier of the model.

version_date date

The release date of this version of the model.

dataset str

The identifier for the dataset used in this model.

dataset_date date

The date when the dataset was last updated or released.

tag str

An optional tag for additional categorization or notes.


Name Description

Serializes the model instance to a JSON formatted string.

Source code in prefab/
class Model(BaseModel):
    Represents a model of a fabrication process including versioning and dataset detail.

    fab : Fab
        An instance of the Fab class representing the fabrication details.
    version : str
        The version identifier of the model.
    version_date : date
        The release date of this version of the model.
    dataset : str
        The identifier for the dataset used in this model.
    dataset_date : date
        The date when the dataset was last updated or released.
    tag : str
        An optional tag for additional categorization or notes.

        Serializes the model instance to a JSON formatted string.

    fab: Fab
    version: str
    version_date: date
    dataset: str
    dataset_date: date
    tag: str

    def to_json(self):
        return json.dumps(self.dict(), default=str)